Four Common Signs You Need Dishwasher Repair

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A dishwasher is one of the most useful modern inventions and a massive time saver. You know this if you’ve ever lived in an apartment or house that didn’t have one. However, they’re just as prone to failure as plenty of other appliances. They may need to be repaired from time to time, and that means you should be able to recognize when it’s time for dishwasher repair.

Four Common Signs You Need Dishwasher Repair

Here are four signs to watch out for:

  1. The dishes aren’t hot after you run a cycle. Without hot water, your dishes won’t be sanitized properly, and that means you’re going to be eating off bacteria-ridden surfaces. If your dishes don’t feel hot at the very end of a cycle, there may be an issue with the heating coil. Luckily, you can call for dishwasher repair and put things to rights.
  2. The dishes are still dirty when the cycle is over. A dishwasher’s sole purpose is to wash dishes, so if your plates, bowls, cups, and utensils are still dirty at the end of the cycle, you know something is wrong. That’s obvious enough, but what may be less obvious is the source of the problem. Calling a professional for dishwasher repair means they can diagnose and fix the issue properly.
  3. There’s a pool of water at the bottom of the dishwasher. It’s not normal to see a pool of standing water at the bottom of your dishwasher, so be sure to call a professional right away to provide dishwasher repair.
  4. You notice rust inside the unit. If there’s rust inside your dishwasher, that means water is reaching parts that it shouldn’t and compromising these elements. However, a professional may be able to repair or replace these parts.